
How to manage Contracts v1

See the status of your employees’ contract conditions, create new contract conditions or edit the ongoing ones.

If you are using Factorial in US English, note that the term Agreements is used in place of contracts. The functionality remains the same.



Different flows for contract conditions

There are two ways to create new contract conditions:

  • Update conditions: use this flow to create new conditions besides the role and salary.
  • Promote: use this flow to update the role and/or salary of an employee.

Update conditions:

  1. From the Contracts tab of your employee
  2. Head to the Timeline section
  3. Click on (+) New conditions

A pop-up tab will appear with two options:

  • Promote: update role and salary
  • Update conditions
  1. Select Update conditions 
  2. Click on Next
  3. Define the Effective date and click on Next
  4. Choose the new role, level and salary and click on Next
  5. Set the working hours and click on Next
  6. Only if required, review the legal contract information
  7. Click on Update conditions



  1. From the Contracts tab of your employee
  2. Head to the Timeline section
  3. Click on (+) New conditions

A pop-up tab will appear with two options:

  • Promote: update role and salary
  • Update conditions
  1. Select Promote 
  2. Click on Next
  3. Define an effective date when the new conditions should start
  4. Add the Promotion details
  5. Click on Next 
  6. Assign a Role, level and salary
  7. Click on Submit promotion


Fixing new contract conditions on an ongoing contract

🚨 Please keep in mind that this is only to fix wrong information. You will lose the current information. You will not have traceability over the changes and they can be side effects.



  1. Go to Employees, located on the sidebar menu
  2. Select the employee you want to manage
  3. Click on Contracts (97)

A call out with the status and all the information of the contract conditions will appear:

  • Ongoing
  • Upcoming
  • Expired


To fix the ongoing contract conditions:

  1. Click on the three dots (…), located in the call-out
  2. Select Fix conditions
  3. A new page will appear with the conditions for you to update them
    1. Effective date and start date
    2. Role, level and salary
    3. Working hours
    4. Legal and extras
  4. Click on Fix conditions


How does the Timeline work?

The Timeline allows you to see the history of your employees’ contracts since the day they joined the company. You and your employees will be able to keep track of who made the changes/updates on the contracts.

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By clicking on each tab you will be able to see the changes or updates made, as also the creation date, and status of each contract. Also from the timeline, you will be able to see who did the changes.


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