
About the Organizational Chart

Get a general view of the company members by using the organizational chart.

To view the organizational chart:

The organizational chart is generated based on your company's management structure.

  1. On your sidebar, click on Employees
  2. Select Org Chart

You can filter the information you want to display of your employees based on:

  • Workplace
  • Legal entity
  • Hire date
  • Legal gender

💡 Any new incorporations or leaves will automatically modify your chart.


To create a vacant position

  1. On your sidebar, click on Employees
  2. Select Org Chart
  3. Click on (+) button
  4. A list of the job openings already created will be displayed
  5. Select one of your choices
  6. Add the role and level
  7. Click on Submit


To export the organizational chart

  1. On your sidebar, click on Employees
  2. Select Org Chart
  3. Press (...)
  4. Click Export Org. Chart (xls)

You will be redirected to another page (xls. format) where you can visualize the organizational chart.

To create a new job through the organizational chart

  1. On your sidebar, click on Employees
  2. Click on Org chart
  3. Choose an employee
  4. Go to Reports
  5. Click on Create a new role

        6. Fill in all the information and press on Submit


To assign a role through the organizational chart

After creating the new role, a new page will open where you can assign the role and level for the employee. Simply add the desired role and level, and they will be immediately reflected.

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