
FAQ about Space control

Jump into our frequently asked questions for more information about Space control.

1. Is it feasible to have Office Managers with the same permissions as the rest of employees with the exception of being able to manage bookings for other employees?

Yes, it is feasible. You can achieve this by creating a custom group for "Office Managers" in the Settings and Permissions section. This custom group can have the default permissions that are set for employees, but with an additional custom access level for Spaces that allows them to manage bookings for other employees. By configuring the permissions in this way, you can provide Office Managers with the appropriate access and restrictions to suit their role within the organization.



2. Is it feasible to limit Space bookings by workplace and role? Ie. Madrid engineers should only be able to book on Madrid and their floor desks.

Not yet. What you could do with flexibles workspaces is to split Madrid first floor in “1st floor - Engineers”, “1st floor - Designers” and communicate that that’s their place.

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