
FAQ about Teams, jobs & organizational chart

Jump into our frequently asked questions for more information about Teams, jobs & organizational chart

What is the difference between a job role and a job title?

A job title is a term that describes the position held by an employee, and is typically used externally for things like business cards, LinkedIn profiles, or resumes. On the other hand, a job role refers to the specific activities or responsibilities that an employee is expected to perform in their position.



When can I use the Job title field?

The Job title field can be used in several instances. When changing an employee's job title:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Go to the employee section
  3. Select the employee in question
  4. Go to their contract, and click on the job title to modify it.

You can also use the Job title field when assigning jobs to your employees, either in bulk or individually, by selecting the employees, modifying the selection, and adding the necessary information. Moreover, the Job title field is utilized when creating and publishing a job opening. You would add basic information including the job title, workplace, team, and type of workplace.



Is it possible to set up workflow automation for Job creation approvals?

Yes, it is possible to set up workflow automation for job creation approvals.

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