- SaaS Management: A centralized platform for monitoring and tracking all of your company's software subscriptions. With a global view of your software usage, you can easily identify the tools your teams are actively using. This insight allows you to optimize software allocation and eliminate unnecessary expenses.
- SaaS Purchasing: Automate your software purchases through virtual cards and set budget limits. Factorial's virtual cards allow you to control all purchases with unique card numbers assigned to each subscription.
- Cost control system: Simplify your budgeting process and eliminate hassles with Factorial's cost control system. Get a holistic view of your organization's software spend across teams and departments.
Setting up the Software feature
- On your sidebar menu, search for Software
- A landing page with all the information about Software will appear, from here you will be able to manage, add your software subscriptions, and software accesses.

From here, you will be asked to add your software:
- Click on the Get started
A tab will open and you can start working on adding the software, you must follow three steps:
- Add application
- Spend control
- Select employees
Add application
- Write down the software you are looking for. By default, Factorial has a list of the most common, but if you need any other, just add it and we will create it for you.
- Click on Next

Spend control
💡 There are 2 ways a user can add the payments to software
- Select Add manual transactions
- and click on Next
❗️ You must manage the payments in each employee profile

How to add a payment with manual transactions
- From your software
- Go to Transactions
- Click on + Add transaction
- A pop-up modal will appear for you to add the Amount, Currency, and Date

- From Spend control, select Card
- Select the Budget, the Period of the payment, and ****the Budget flexibility
- Add the Cardholder details
- Click on Next

❗ A Factorial card will be associated by default with the SaaS in order to pay the subscriptions.
Select employees
- Select the employees that use the software, you can filter by team, job, or workplace
- Click on Finish

❗ Keep in mind that you can go back to any step of the process, just by clicking on the arrow located in the right-down corner.
Software in your company
Once you have your software installed, software will be automatically created and you will able to see it on the software list page.

By clicking on the software, you will see:
- Cost overview: App cost (monthly), license type, and cost evolution in the last year
- Subscription details
- Renewal date: you will receive a notification when the date approaches
- Card associated: amount, date, and status
- Employees using the software
- Payments

View of companies without Factorial Cards

💡 In the case you are on the Stripe onboarding to add Factorial cards to your software, you can continue the process at any time from here by clicking on Complete account
Multicurrency support
- You can visualize all your subscription costs in the respective currencies.
- Factorial automatically retrieves the latest exchange rates and converts subscription costs into your preferred currency, ensuring up-to-date and accurate information.

To set up your preferred currencies:
- On your sidebar, go to Settings
- Open Company details
- Select the Legal entity
- Set up the Currency information
- Click on Submit

How to manage the associated card?
💡 You can easily create approval groups and define levels for approving SaaS cards for software subscriptions.
- Press on the card
- A modal will appear and you will be able to:
- See the card details (name, CVV, etc)
- Copy the number
- Check the balance
- Modify card controls
- Cancel the card by clicking on the three dots icon
❗ In case you cancel a card, a new one will be created automatically.

Cost saving feature
Know how much money your company is still paying in software for employees who have already left the company.
Click on terminated employees and you will see a list of employees who have been terminated but still have associated SaaS costs.