
FAQ about Competencies & goals

Jump into our frequently asked questions for more information about Competencies & goals

Can Factorial support bidirectional competencies assessments?

Yes, Factorial allows you to conduct bidirectional competencies assessments through the Reviews feature. You can create a review that includes both the employee and their manager to provide feedback. Additionally, you can enable the option in the Questions tab to include competencies in the review.



Can Factorial accommodate job-specific competencies in our company's review process?

Absolutely. Factorial provides the functionality to create a job catalog and competencies library. By assigning competencies to specific jobs in your catalog, you can establish the relationship between competencies and employees' roles. This enables you to conduct bidirectional competencies assessments using the Reviews feature. The system takes into account the established relationships and includes the relevant competencies specific to each employee's job/role in their review.



Can I set performance expectations for competencies in Factorial to compare expected vs actual performance?

Unfortunately, the ability to set competencies performance expectations and compare them against actual performance is not yet available in Factorial.

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