
What happens with absences that include more than one cycle

Discover the possible scenarios when an employee asks an absence that includes more cycles

In order to prevent an employee from requesting more time off than available, and also taking into account that an absence can happen during more than one cycle, these are the possible scenarios:

  1. The amount of available days is enough in both cycles
  2. The absence requested does not include more than one cycle but the amount available is not enough
  3. The amount of available days in the current cycle is enough but next cycle's is not
  4. The amount of available days in the current cycle is not enough but next cycle's is
  5. Neither current cycle's available days nor the next cycle's is enough


In either case, a red warning message will appear at the bottom of the page.

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-13 a las 11.58.55 (2)-1

💡Cycles are an integral part of the time off allowance configuration


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