
How to delegate permissions

Learn how to select the permissions that members will have the ability to configure for all other users.

Admins have the option to delegate permissions to specific authorization groups. Employees within these authorization groups will then have the ability to configure these permissions to all authorization groups in  the company.

For instance, the admin delegates the permission ‘Add employees’ to the HR permission group. This means that members of the HR permission group will be able to edit this specific permission across all authorization groups in the company.


Configure delegate permissions

The first step is make sure that Manage Company Permissions has been activated in the employee’s authorization group:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Under General, click on Permissions
  3. Select the desired authorization group
  4. Under the Company section, you’ll find Manage Company Permissions
  5. Activate permission 
  6. Save Changes


This permission has to be active for delegate permissions to work properly as it gives them access the permission settings. 

This won’t allow them to edit all permissions, just the ones that have been delegated to them.




How to delegate permissions

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Under General, click on Permissions
  3. Select the desired authorization group
  4. Click the Delegate permissions tab
  5. Select the permission to delegate






1. Will the employee that has been delegated the permissions be able to see all the permissions?

The employees will only be able to see the permissions they have been delegated. 

For example, employee Kaleb is in an authorization group called HR Group, he has been delegated the permission Add new employees.



From Kaleb’s profile he can access Permissions in Settings, as well as all of the authorization groups, but can only view the Add new employees permission.



2. Can the employee with the delegated permissions edit their own group?

Yes, they can edit the delegated permissions for the entire company, including themselves.

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