Click here to open the Ask a Question form.
Ask a question form
- Purpose: Use this option if you have a general product-related inquiry or need information about a feature, functionality, or service.
- Example: "How can I enable notifications for team updates?"
How to Complete the Form
- Fill in the required fields as follows:
Raise this request on behalf of:
- Ensure your name and email are displayed correctly.
- Write a concise title summarizing your request or question.
- Example: "How can I enable notifications for team updates?"
- Include relevant details such as:
- Account information (if applicable)
- Employee information (if applicable)
- Description of what is happening
- Any error messages or screenshots (if relevant)
- You can format the text, add links, or include screenshots using the toolbar.
- Include relevant details such as:
Consent to the collection and use of data:
- Tick the checkbox if you give consent for the collection and use of the data in accordance with the privacy policy (GDPR).
Share with:
- If you select "No one," the information in this ticket will remain private and will not be shared with the Account Manager or the Organization.
- If you select "No one," the information in this ticket will remain private and will not be shared with the Account Manager or the Organization.
Raise this request on behalf of:
- Click Send. The ticket will be automatically created in Jira and assigned to the relevant team.