
About Space Control

Learn how to simplify and streamline your workspace management

What is Space Control?

Factorial Spaces is the solution for organizations seeking to simplify and streamline workspace management. Easy to use, connected with your Factorial information and flexible to adapt to your logistics: meeting rooms, desks, booths, parking, lunch areas… any space in your organization where you need to control capacity. Say goodbye to cumbersome manual processes and limited visibility, and embrace a flexible and efficient system tailored to your unique workspace logistics.



What you can do with Factorial Spaces


Create bookable spaces

Managing company spaces can be challenging, especially for fast-growing organizations that have limited space.

With Factorial Spaces you can customize the platform to suit your specific workspace needs. This includes configuring time options such as whole days, half-days, and even time slots of varying durations (e.g., 1 hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.).

  • Centralize the view of room availability allowing users to quickly find the most suitable space
  • Build a booking system that allows employees to easily reserve meeting rooms

Learn how to create bookable spaces

bookable space



Book spaces and manage your bookings

Factorial Spaces simplifies workspace management by providing employees with a self-service booking system. With just a few clicks, employees can easily plan and reserve the spaces they need within the office environment.

  • Desk booking: employees can ensure they have a desk booked for their workday, providing them with a dedicated space to focus and be productive.
  • Meeting room reservations: team meetings become hassle-free as employees can reserve meeting rooms for collaborative sessions and discussions.
  • Booth availability: for calls or private work, employees can quickly check and book available booths for individual use.

Learn how to book spaces

Learn how to manage your bookings


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