Enable mandatory authorization for working overtime
Managers and admins need greater control over the employee's time tracking. By enabling the mandatory authorization to work overtime, only approved hours will count towards the balance calculation.
In this way, supervisors can ensure that overtime is not performed excessively, taking into account the requested hours.
- On your sidebar, go to Settings
- In Time, select Time tracking
- Open a Time tracking policy
- Click on Policy settings tab
- Scroll down to Timesheet approvals and enable the option Mandatory authorization to work overtime

💡 Once you have enabled this option, the overtime hours worked will appear on the timesheets as pending until they are approved or rejected.
❗ Keep in mind that, after reviewed and approved, the employee can't overwrite his overtime request.
Time tracking approval groups
💡 You can create, manage and define different approval groups and approval flows.
To create a new approval group
- On your sidebar, click on Settings
- In Time, select Time tracking
- Scroll down to Approval groups for overtime requests
- Open the Time tracking default approval group by clicking the arrow
- Add or edit the name and the description
- If you activate Auto-approval group, this group of employees will have resources automatically approved

To define the approval flow
The time tracking approval flow is structured in levels:
- One or more approvers are assigned to each level
- To move to the next level, the approvers of the previous level must approve the request
To create a new approval level:
- Click on Add approval level
- Select the Approver type and the Approver
- Click on Save approval level
- Click on Save changes - Located in the upper right corner

💡 You can add other approvers to the same approval level just clicking on the + icon.
You can edit or delete the approval level just by clicking the three dots icon.

To add employees
Once you defined the approval flow, you are ready to assign the employees:
- Head to the Employees tab
- Click on the + icon - Located in the upper right corner
- Select the employees
- Hit Add employees to approval group

To approve or reject an overtime request
The overtime approver will receive a notification reporting pending overtime requests.
- On your sidebar, go to Inbox → Requests
- Click on the related notification
- Decide whether to:
- Reject the overtime request
- Approve the overtime request
- Edit and save the overtime request
This modal shows the entire approval history, making it visible to understand the status of each step in the approval flow.