How to import job board contracts
From the Settings page:
- On your sidebar, go to Settings
- Scroll down to People and click on Recruitment
- Go to Integrations tab
- In the Imported job board contracts section click on Import contract
- Search and select the job board you need to add. For each different job board, you will be requested to input specific information
- Fill in the information and save it. Now, your contract will be available for use in any job opening

From the Job page:
- On your sidebar, go to Recruitment
- Open a published job
- Open the Promotion tab
- In the Imported job board contracts section click on Import contract
- Search and select the job board you need to add. For each different job board, you will be requested to input specific information.
- Fill in the information and save it. Now, your contract will be available for use in any job opening.

How to use your contracts: campaigns
Once you’ve published a job, access the Promotion tab
In the Imported job board contracts section, you’ll be able to see the job contracts you’ve previously imported.
- Select Add to campaign and it will be added to a Cart
- Once you’ve added all contracts you want to use, access the Cart. There are no fees.
- Fill all the information that the job board requests
- Checkout
You should expect the job to be published in the next 24-72 hours (depending on the platform).
How to track and cancel campaigns
- On your sidebar, go to Recruitment
- Go to Jobs and open the Campaigns tab
- If available, you’ll be able to see the number of candidates and clicks per job board
Campaigns can be paused anytime from this tab or by archiving the job opening.