
About shifts coverage

Optimize shift schedules and make sure they are fully staffed. Plan the week in advance and add them to shifts

🌟 You will be able to create the distribution of shifts needed and then assign them to employees:

  • Creating the concept of empty shift
  • Creating all needed shifts for a week
  • Being able to copy or store patterns of weeks (normal week, busy week, low week...) to apply them once and again
  • Assigning those shifts to employees easily in bulk or individually with drag-and-drop 


Creating shifts in Coverage

  1. From your sidebar menu, go to Shifts
  2. On the header click on the coverage icon
  3. A new section will appear named Coverage Section


How to create a shift

  1. Hover your mouse over the cell where you want to add the shift and click the button (+)
  2. A modal window will appear
    1. Put the number of employees
    2. You can choose between:
      1. Create a new shift
      2. Select a saved shift
    3. Fill in the information required
    4. Save

✅ You can create as many shifts as you want



Assigning coverage shifts

There are two ways to assign shifts:

By dragging and dropping the shift into the employee’s shift cell


From the shift you created

  1. Hover your mouse over the (#) located on the right of the shift name
  2. Click on the three dots
  3. Select Assign employees
  4. Select the employees
  5. Click on Select (#) users
  6. and Save


Managing coverage shifts 

  1. Hover your mouse over the (#) located on the right of the shift name
  2. Click on the three dots
    1. Choose between:
      1. Show details
      2. Edit
      3. Delete

❗️Remember to click on Publish schedule every time you are done editing or adding a shift.



Copying coverage periods

Copy any period of existing unassigned shifts and reapply them easily to another period.

  1. Click on the Copy schedule period icon
  2. Choose Coverage
  3. Specify the period to copy. The selected period cannot be greater than 3 months.
  4. Click on Next
  5. Indicate the date when the copy starts
  6. Click on Copy


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