
FAQ about Absences and approvals

Jump into our frequently asked questions for more information about Absences and approvals.

How to collect and gather all time-off data?

All time-off data can be gathered by exporting it. To do this:

  1. On your sidebar, go to Organisation
  2. Click on the (...) located in the right-up corner
  3. Select the "Export employee data” option
  4. In Type, choose Time off
  5. You can export various types of time off data, including:
    • Company time off export
    • Used time off export
    • Time off activity export
    • Time off schedule export



What does it mean "Is the absence type a working day"?

A working day is a day on which an employee is contracted to work. The phrase "Is the absence type a working day?" refers to whether an employee is working or not during their absence. For instance, if an employee is teleworking, they would reflect that during their absence, they will be working. Therefore, the absence type would be a working day.



If I create a travel absence and it's a workday, should it be clocked in?

If the trip falls on a working day specified in the contract, you should clock in. This way, the Time Tracking system will account for the hours worked. Conversely, if you are traveling on a Saturday, and your contract does not include working on Saturdays, you should not clock in. In this case, the administrator can make an adjustment to compensate for the worked hours.



What does it mean if “the absence is visible or not to all employees”?

We can display our employees' absences on both the Dashboard and the Calendar. The answer to the question of who can see the absences is straightforward: should they be visible to everyone in the company, or only to the Administrator, Time Off Supervisor, and the employee themselves?



Why does a type of absence not appear when requesting an absence?

It is because you need to add absence types to the counters in order to track different types of absences.

To add types of absences to the counter, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings in the sidebar
  2. Under Time, select Time off
  3. Scroll down until you find Absence types
  4. Click on Add new absence type



Does the Absence discount time?

This parameter is defined by you. You can define whether to discount time in the configuration of the type of absence.

  1. Go to Settings in the sidebar
  2. Under Time, select Time off
  3. Scroll down until you find Absence types
  4. Click on the gear icon for the absence you want to configure
  5. Select Edit type
  6. In the field Is this deducted from the time off allowance? Choose between:
    • Yes, time is deducted
    • No, there is no time deducted



Who approves vacation/leave requests?

You can set the time off approver of each employee directly from the profile of the employee:

  1. Go to Organisation in the sidebar
  2. Select the person
  3. In the Profile tab, scroll down to Time off
  4. Assign the Time off approver

You can also set up a customized time off approval system.

Learn more about how to create time off approval systems



Can I prevent my employees from requesting vacations during certain periods?

Yes, you can prevent your employees from requesting vacations during certain periods by setting up blocked periods. Blocked periods are a range of dates defined by the company during which employees cannot submit time off requests. This helps to better plan your team's work throughout the year and ensure that time off requests are in line with the company's needs.

If an employee requests time off during a blocked period, the system will display a warning message to the employee that the requested date cannot be submitted. However, as an admin, you have the option to override blocked periods for specific employees in case of emergencies or unavoidable personal obligations.

Learn how to set up blocked periods for time off



Can documents be attached to a leave request after it has been approved?

No, it is not possible to attach documents to a leave request after it has been approved.



Can employees request time off even if they haven't accrued it yet?

Yes, employees can request time off even if they haven't accrued it yet. By default, they cannot request more days than the maximum available. If they reach their maximum allowance and require additional time off, it will be granted as unpaid time off.

However, it is possible to adjust the settings to allow employees to request more days than the maximum available.

To do this:

  1. Go to Settings in the sidebar
  2. Under Time, select Time off
  3. Open the Time off policy
  4. Click on the gear icon for the time off allowance you want to edit
  5. In Allowance settings, in Can the counter be negative? Select Yes, it is possible to request more days than maximum available
  6. Click on Save changes, in the upper right corner



How can I make changes to the vacation time quantities for a single employee?

You can make changes to the vacation time quantity for a single employee by creating time off allowance adjustments. Here's how you can do it:

To make a time off allowance adjustment:

  1. On your sidebar, go to Organisation
  2. Select the person
  3. Head to Time Off
  4. Scroll until you find Time off allowance adjustments
  5. Click on Add time off adjustment
  6. Fill in the fields
  7. Click on Add adjustment



Does Factorial automatically create an unexcused absence or unpaid leave when an employee fails to clock in on their scheduled workday?

No, Factorial does not automatically create an unexcused absence or unpaid leave when an employee does not clock in on their scheduled workday.



What is a global approver?

A global approver serves as an administrator in the approval process. If a global approver approves or rejects a request, it overrides the rest of the approval flow.

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