How to create and configure a rejection email template
Create email templates to be sent to the candidate when rejected. You will be able to modify it before sending it.
- On your sidebar, go to Recruitment
- Click on Jobs
- Open a job opening
- Navigate to the Hiring process tab
- Click on Edit -→ scroll down to Smart actions
- Edit the jection email or
- Create new
- Click on Send rejection email

To configure the rejection email template:
- Select the phases in which you want to send this rejection message
- Write the message or select a message template previously created
- If needed, enable the Send from a no-reply email option (The email will be sent using a no-reply email and branded using the company color and logotype)
- You have the possibility to Delay email
- Click on Create action

You can create as many rejection templates as needed. For example, the message you send after the first interview may not be the same as the one you send during the offer process.
How to use the rejection email template during the recruitment process
When rejecting a candidate, you will be prompted with the configured email.
- On your sidebar, go to Recruitment
- Select the job opening
- Open the candidate profile of the individual you want to reject
- Click on Reject
- Choose the Rejection reason
- You can Save the candidate to the Talent Pool
- You will find the configured rejection email and, if needed, you can edit it
- Click on Reject