
About internal Job Portal and Referrals

Share your open positions in the internal Job Portal, a page accessible to all employees, and let them refer anyone they believe would be a good fit for the job.

How to set up an internal company page?

To set up an internal company page:

  1. On your sidebar, click on Settings
  2. Select Recruitment
  3. Head to the Open positions page
  4. Press the button to enable the feature.

Where to find open positions?

There are two ways to access open positions:

- Through the dashboard:

  1. Go to the Dashboard
  2. Check the Open positions

- Using the recruitment functionality:

  1. Go to Recruitment
  2. Click on Open Positions

Referring a candidate

  1. Once you have selected Open Positions, a list of available positions will be displayed
  2. Select an open position of your choice
  3. Click Refer
  4. Enter the candidate's basic information
  5. Click Submit


If you prefer, share the link externally:

  • Press the Share button to copy the URL in order to share it externally with the potential candidate.

Reviewing a referred application

To review a referred application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Recruitment section.
  2. Click on Candidates.

The hiring team will be able to see the source of the candidate in the:

  • The applicant's list
  • The application details header

Once they open the candidate profile, they can see all the relevant details.



❗When a job opening is published, whether as public or unlisted, the hiring manager will have the option to enable or disable referrals based on their specific needs.



Hiring a referred candidate

When a referred candidate is moved to the Hired stage in the new employee modal, a reminder will be displayed.

This can be helpful if you have a referral program in place.


Employees’ applications

HR administrators and hiring managers are able to choose whether employees can directly apply to specific job postings or not. By default, this is set to “No”. To change it:

  1. Go to Recruitment
  2. Select Jobs
  3. Open an open position
  4. Go to the Promotion tab
  5. Select the “Allow employees to apply” box
  6. Click Save

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