What is a fillable PDF?
A fillable PDF is a type of PDF document that includes text fields, checkboxes, or radio buttons that can be filled in by users using a PDF viewer. In order for a PDF to have these fillable features, it must be built using specifics software that allows you to create a pdf with fillable fields.
Examples of fillable PDFs are Modelo 145 in Spain or Form W-4 in the USA, which are document templates provided by the Government that companies need to share with the employees to collect personal information to comply with taxes obligations.
Fillable PDFs are only available for Enterprise plans.
What is an Official Document template?
An Official Document Template (ODTs) is a document template provided by Factorial that users can’t delete. The ODTs are intended for official document templates such as Modelo 145 (Spain) or Form W-4 (USA).
For now, you can only have official document templates for Spain (Modelo 145) and US Form W-4), but soon we’ll increase the list of ODTs for another country.

Where to find the fillable PDFs?
- On your sidebar, click on Documents
- Press Document templates
- Find the fillable PDF’s available

To add a fillable PDF:
- Press Add document template
- Add a Template name
- Add the PDF or DOCX document
- Press Create template

How to send the document?
- On your sidebar, click on Documents
- Click on Send in bulk
- Select Document Template
- A new window will appear in which you will have to fill in:
- Document template we want to use
- File name
- Destination folder
- Request e-signature
- Select the employees you want to send the document to
- Press Send to X employees

- Check the Request e-signature box if necessary
- Select the employees you want to send it
- Press Send to employees

How can employees fill out a fillable PDF?
After sending the document the employees will receive a notification on the dashboard regarding a new document pending to fill out.
- Click on Inbox in your Dashboard or your sidebar
- Press Requests
- Open the fillable pdf
- Fill out the necessary information
- Click on Finish on the left side
- Sign the document if requested
In a few seconds a copy of the signed document will be in the employee folder.