
About time off calendar

View all scheduled time off in a helpful calendar format

The Time Off Calendar is designed to provide an overview of employee absences, helping managers and HR professionals track and manage time off efficiently. It ensures transparency and facilitates workforce planning by displaying approved leaves, holidays, and other absence types.


Where to find Calendar

There are two ways to view the Time Off Calendar in Factorial:

From the employee profile

  1. On your sidebar, go to Organisation
  2. Select the employee
  3. Click on the time off tab

Authorized users (those with the necessary permissions) can see the employee’s individual time off calendar.



From the company calendar view

  1. On your sidebar, go to Calendar

This view allows authorized users to see absences for the entire company, making it easier to plan and coordinate schedules.



Calendar color code

At the bottom of the calendar, you'll find a color legend that displays the same colors you selected during the configuration of the different types of absences.


If there is more than one absence during one specific day, the color of the last approved absence will be shown except when there is a Sick leave. In that case, it will show the color defined for Sick leave.




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