
About QuickBooks integration

Synchronize employees and projects from Factorial to QuickBooks

What is QuickBooks?

QuickBooks is a user-friendly, simple accounting software that tracks your business income and expenses, and organises your financial information for you, eliminating manual data entry. QuickBooks simplifies small business accounting and automates tasks such as bookkeeping, invoicing, sales tax management.

❗QuickBooks integration is only available in USA and UK.



2 reasons to use QuickBooks:

  1. Synchronize employees from Factorial to QuickBooks: avoid the need to create employees in two separate places. The data that will be synchronized are: name and email address.
  2. Synchronize projects and assigned employees from Factorial to QuickBooks: simply create or assign an employee to a project in Factorial, and a QuickBooks employee for your company will be generated for the project. The data that will be synchronized are: name and email address.


How to integrate:

To get started, follow this step-by-step:

  1. Go to Marketplace → Integrations
  2. From IT, select QuickBooks
  3. Click on Install
  4. Submit your Quickbooks Company ID
  5. Click on Submit
  6. It’s done!


More information

Learn more about QuickBooks!

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