
How to create time off allowance adjustments

Do you want to subtract or add more days/hours from available days? Learn how by following these steps.


❗ Only employees with permission can manage adjustments. 



Where to find time off allowance adjustments?

  1. On your sidebar, go to Employees
  2. Select the employee
  3. Head to Time Off
  4. Scroll until you find Time off allowance adjustments
time off adjustments


How to make a time off allowance adjustment?

  1. To the time off allowance adjustment section, click on Add time off adjustment
  2. Select the Time off allowance
  3. Choose the Adjusted cycle
  4. Set the days
  5. Adjust from:
    • Available days
    • Accrued days
  6. Click on Add adjustment


You can edit or delete the time off allowance adjustment by clicking on the arrow

💡 The added or subtracted time will be reflected in the counters located within the time off section. 
Learn more about time off counters


Learn how to import time off allowances.

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