General process to send data to Silae
Data is transferred from Factorial to Silae through our "Employee Payroll Updates" section. Any action you take in Factorial that affects payroll will generate an employee update.
To ensure the correct updates are synced, it's important to activate the relevant employee updates in Factorial. These may include new hires, contract changes, personal data updates, and absences. To do this, go to Settings > Payroll > Employee Updates, and enable all the updates you wish to sync with Silae.
When an employee update is generated, you will be able to review it and send it to Silae by marking the employee update as “Completed”.
The status of the employee updates can be changed in bulk in Factorial, however, this is not compatible with the integration. When marking several employee updates as Completed in Factorial, those incidences will NOT be synced to Silae.

You won’t be able to see in Factorial whether the data has been successfully sent to Silae. To verify, you will need to check the employee record in Silae or check the daily email summarizing the data sent and identifying any errors.
What data is synchronize?
New hires synchronization
When a new employee is created in Factorial, an employee update is created. You can open it and check that all the data is correct, and then mark it as "Completed" to synchronize the change with Silae.
Social Security Number and Contract Type are mandatory fields. If they are sent empty, the new hire will not be created in Silae.
Other important things to consider:
- When creating the employee and loading the contract information, make sure that the CONTRACT DATE is the same in SILAE. Otherwise, Silae will create a new contract, resulting in duplication.
- When having employees without Social Security Number → You need to create the employee in Silae first to get a provisional social security number (after the first payroll), and then input it into Factorial. From that point on, you will be able to synchronize the changes of this employee from Factorial to Silae.
- The date of birth and the gender provided must be consistent with the social security number.
- The birth name is mandatory. If it is left empty, the surname used will be treated as the birth name to avoid blocking the creation.
- The matricule does not have to be added in Factorial. When the new hire is synced, we will automatically populate the matricule field in Factorial. You can enable an option in Silae to ensure the uniqueness of the personnel number across multiple files or file groups if necessary.
- The employment start reason will be sent by default as the code 001: Hiring, start of activity, direct recruitment or recruitment via competition (public service), start of detachment, start of cultural life (religions). You can modify this in Silae, if needed.
The new employee will be added to Silae with an employee code that sequentially follows the highest existing code in the client's Silae account.
Fields being sent to Silae
Employee data
- First name
- Last name
- Social security number (the client must select the social security number in the identification number field)
- Maiden name (if left blank in Factorial, the first name will be synchronized here as well)
- Gender
- Professional email
- Personal email (if left blank in Factorial, the personal email will be replaced by the professional email)
- Mobile phone
- Home address (city, country, state, street, number, and postal code)
- INSEE commune code
- Date of birth
- Birth department (it takes it from the SSN & if it is outside of France, it is sent as code “99” and the user needs to edit it manually in Silae)
- Birth country code (it takes it from the SSN)
- Nationality
Contract data
- Seniority date in the company (based on the Start date field of Factorial’s contract)
- Entry date (based on the Start date field of Factorial’s contract)
- Contract start date (based on the Effective date of Factorial’s contract)
- Contract version Start date (based on the Effective date of Factorial’s contract)
- End date
- Start reason (by default synchronized reason: 001)
- Establishment
- Job title - under “other job title”
- Employment contract code (must be a contract type available by default in Factorial)
- Base salary (must be in a monthly basis)
- For hourly employees → Working hours in contract (must be in a monthly basis. It will populate the “Normal monthly hours” and “Overtime monthly hours” fields in Silae)
- For employees on a day-based contract → Number of days
Employee & contract data changes synchronization
When an employees’ profile or contract data is updated in Factorial, an employee update is created. You can open it and check that all the data is correct, and then mark it as "Completed" to synchronize the change with Silae.
The following fields will generate an employee update that can be synced to Silae:
- Employee data
- Last name
- First name
- Professional email
- Mobile phone
- Home address (city, country, state, street, number, and postal code)
- Nationality (only the code is changed, text has to be changed manually from Silae)
- Contract data
- Employment start date
- Contract start date
- Seniority date in the company
- Entry date
- End date
- Establishment
- Job title (under "other job title")
- Employment contract code (must be a contract type that is available by default in Factorial)
- Base salary (must be the monthly salary)
- For hourly employees:
- Contractual hours - weekly hours must be entered (these will populate the “Normal monthly hours” and “Overtime monthly hours” fields in Silae)
- For employees on a day-based contract:
- Number of days
Absences synchronization
When an employee's absence is approved in Factorial, a payroll employee update is created. You can verify that all the data is correct, and then mark the incident as “Completed” to sync the data to Silae.

Check that the absences that you want to send are enabled in the Employee Updates Settings page and have the Silae code mapped in the Integration Settings page (with just the 3-digit code, without including the ‘AB-’)
Half-day absences can be synced
Half-day absences will be synced to Silae accurately. However, note that the absences realted to congés annuels, congés pour événements familiaux (mariage, décès, etc.) and congés pour déménagement cannot be created as half-day absence in Silae.
Modifying & Deleting a Synced Absence
Absences that have been modified or deleted and have already being synced to Silae, will need to be manually updated or deleted in Silae. You can extract the delta file for this step directly in Factorial for bulk updates. We are working on improving this process.
Adjustment of accrued time off balances
The integration retrieves the accrued leave counters from Silae to Factorial on a recurring basis by obtaining the accumulated leave.
How to Retrieve Accrued Leave Counters from SILAE to Factorial?
- Before activating the counters, you must set the leave counters for all leave policies to 0 available days.
- Also, you need to configure the leave counters in the Marketplace settings. Each line corresponds to a different counter, linked to a leave policy.
- Once activated and the counter codes completed, the Factorial accrued counters will be adjusted 5 days after the payroll cycle is closed in Silae. Once the adjustment is made, the user will see a note in the counter saying “Automatically updated by Silae + a code.” However, the employee will not receive any notification.
- The available days must be manually adjusted by the administrator by exporting the data from Silae and importing it into Factorial.
If you do not wish to adjust the counter in Factorial, you can simply leave the code blank on the Integration Settings page.
List of counters and their associated codes in Silae:
Code | Description |
cpN1Acquis | Nombre de CP N-1 acquis |
cpnAcquis | Nombre de CP N acquis |
rttAcquis | Nombre de RTT acquis |
cpSupAcquis | Nombre de CP Sup acquis |
cpSup2Acquis | Nombre de CP Sup 2 acquis |
rcrAcquis | Nombre de RCR acquis |
rccAcquis | Nombre de RCC acquis |
rcoAcquis | Nombre de RCO acquis |
rcAcquis | Nombre de RC acquis |
How to set up the integration?
Before using the integration with your live account, we recommend testing it in a demo account first. If you want to do that, ask your point of contact in Factorial for the next steps.
To do this, first you need to set up the integration in your Silae demo environment and conduct the testing. Once the integration is confirmed to work correctly, it will be implemented in your live account.
Setup process
- Sign a new contract. To access the API, you will need to sign a new amendment to the contract with the SILAE API item. Your account manager will be able to help you with the new contract.
- Verify data consistency between Factorial and Silae. Check that the data from Factorial and Silae is consistent before activating the connector.
- Install Silae’s integration in Factorial Marketplace. In the menu in the top-left corner, go to Factorial ⇒ Integration ⇒ Silae API Connector ⇒ Click “Install.”

Complete the settings, based on the information your bookkeeper has shared from Silae:
- The folder numbers (corresponding to legal entities)
- The establishment codes (corresponding to workplaces)
- The absence codes that the user wants to synchronize
- The counters codes that the user wants to adjust in Factorial
The folder numbers and establishment codes are mandatory for the integration to work.
4. Provide required Silae and Factorial information. Collect all the required information from your Silae and Factorial account and share it with your point contact in Factorial:
From Silae (Your bookkeeper may need to assist in creating these in Silae):
- Client ID - Silae domain key
- Client Secret - Silae API model key
- API Access Configuration Key (referred as Subscription Key or Master Key) - Key for the Silae folder(s) linked to a user account
For additional guidance, check the Silae API Activation User Guide. If you want to test first the integration in the demo environment of Silae, ask for both (demo and production environment) at the same time.
From Factorial:
- API key (you need to copy once generated since it is only displayed once in Factorial)
For additional guidance, check the Factorial Help Center article.
5. The integration in ready to be used
Once you receive the confirmation from your point of contact in Factorial, the integration will be ready to be used.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can you confirm if the data has been successfully synced to Silae or if there was an error?
If a synchronization error occurs, an error report will be sent to the client by email. The client must specify the email address to which they would like the report to be sent.
These reports will provide a detailed summary of all the data sent to Silae, along with the status of their update, allowing the user to:
- Verify that all data has been transmitted correctly.
- Identify and resolve any issues regarding data that was not successfully transferred.
Here is an example of an error report:
What happens if a new hire is synced with a specific Matricule that does not exist in Silae?
The new hire will NOT be synced (it will give an error).
What happens if a new hire is synced with a specific Matricule that already exists in Silae?
The data of the new hire in Factorial will overwrite the data of the existing employee in Silae.
Is the integration bi directional?
Most of the data is synced from Factorial to Silae. However, there are 2 specific data points that is synced from Silae to Factorial:
- Matricule - synced to Factorial once the employee is created in Silae
- Time off counters - adjusted automatically in Factorial 5 days after the payroll is calculation in Silae
What happens when a new employee doesn’t have a social security number?
In order for an employee to be created in Silae, the Social Security Number (SSN) has to be filled in. If an employee does not have it, the employee has to be created manually in both Silae and Factorial. Once the temporary SSN is assigned in Silae, you will need to copy and paste it in Factorial.
What are the most frequent errors?
- Birth data and Social Security Number are not coherent
- Codes are not filled in in the Factorial Marketplace page.
- No API access for some client dossier.